
Thursday, November 21, 2019

Managing Organisational Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Managing Organisational Communication - Essay Example Movement through sequence is characterized by one or more of the parties making concessions in return for concessions being made by the other party (or parties). What the parties do is trade-off' some part of their original negotiating position. This process continues until the parties either reach a point of agreement--i.e. they are prepared to accept the position of the opposing side--or a stalemate is reached. (Susskind and Cruikshank, 1987). Principled negotiation is arguably harder for those in a position of relative power to achieve than for those who have less power in the relationship. For example, a director heading a team of 40 sales and marketing staff has the final say when it comes to decisions - but if that decision leaves the staff feeling unfairly treated, the director has not achieved a good result for the staff, themselves or the firm. Ethics is a set of moral principle and values. Ethics is no longer a purely personal concern. Nor is it something that organizational leaders can take for granted. Today, a well-tuned sense of the ethical has become a 'must have' for those in business wishing to create and belong to sustainable enterprises, as well as for the average person in the street who is concerned about who they work for, who they buy from and who they invest in. Therefore we have written this primer. WHAT IS CSR The ethic of corporate social responsibility has been described as "the alignment of business operations with social values. CSR consists of integrating the interest of stakeholders--all of those affected by a company's conduct--into the company's business policies and actions." Fundamentally, socially responsible behavior internalizes all external consequences of an action, both its costs and benefits. Ultimately, the corporation is only a reflection of consumers' demands and priorities; true social change necessarily involves changes in consumers' demands. Voluntary CSR is really nothing more than corporate advertising that makes consumers aware of new products with features for which they are willing to pay. Although CSR advocates portray a profit-centric corporation as socially irresponsible, the opposite is true. A profit-centric firm provides the optimal amount of socially responsible behavior. Although concern with ethics and CSR has always been a part of doing business, business leaders today are beginning to think about ethics as a set of principles and guides of behavior rather than a set of rigid rules. In this sense, business ethics is not only an attempt to set a standard by which all of the employees of a company can know what is expected, but it is also an attempt to encourage employees, managers, and board members to think about and make decisions through the prism of a shared set of values (Coors & Wayne, 2005). Q7 Part (b) A discourse that seeks to persuade or convince is not made up of an accumulation of disorderly arguments, indefinite in number; on the contrary, it requires an organization of selected arguments

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